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16 votes

Please don't vote to close spam questions

Flagging spam as 'Spam' is already the most extreme action you can take - with enough spam flags raised on a post, it will be auto-deleted (without needing moderator intervention) and the user account ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k
14 votes

Hello, my name is Self-Promoting Spammer

By our technical definition, yes, you are a spammer. You've answered three questions promoting your tool. One of them is even a self answer. Looking at it in a more positive light...I think there's ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 22.4k
9 votes

What to do when answers contain links that are now borderline malicious?

If the answer is based off the information in the link and that link is no longer valid, the correct thing to do is downvote the current answer (unhelpful now) and submit a new answer with valid ...
FoxMcCloud's user avatar
  • 30.1k
3 votes

What to do when answers contain links that are now borderline malicious?

Typically, we would update links that provide the helpful supplementary information. However, in this case, the entirety of the answer is a link, which means that without the link, it no longer meets ...
Gigazelle's user avatar
  • 14.2k
3 votes

How to report link-only answers?

The answer you linked contains barely more than a link, and can be flagged as "Not an answer". There's a really awesome answer to this question over on Meta Stack Overflow. Quoting a bit ...
Spevacus's user avatar
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2 votes

When should the Spam flag be used?

When should the Spam flag be used? When you think something is Spam. It's a judgement call. Spam flags are relevant when someone posts a wildly irrelevant question or answer promoting a product to the ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible