The most popular tag on a question is placed at the front of the HTML page title, which is very useful. However, there's a two-fold problem with this:
It kills our game-specific SEO if we try to implement a more robust tag system than just tagging the game. Questions will end up with tags like boss-fights in front of the game name, and that isn't really helpful.
Even if the game name is organically in the title, we're still gonna get somewhat hosed in SEO. We really don't need words like "spoiler" or "game mechanics" in titles at all - on the title, what matters is the specific mechanic more than the fact it is a mechanic.
In general, the theory behind the whole "most popular tag gets in title" is that the most popular tag is the most prominent categorization of the question. It works excellently on Stack Overflow, Super User, Ask Ubuntu, Seasoned Advice... actually, it works pretty well on almost every site on the network. In general, the superset tag is going to be the most popular tag.
Gaming is an exception, though, by necessity. The most prominent element of any question about a game is going to be "What game is this?". However, a game name is not as eclipsing as, say, C# is for Stack Overflow or Windows is for Super User. The platform and genre are the supersets of the game titles, but they are not as important as the game name in terms of identifying the question.
Because they are not the superset, game titles are very easy to get shafted by our SEO optimization, turning it into SEO de-optimization. After some chat, Fabian came up with what I agreed was a viable alternative to changing how the tags are arranged. Please give us the ability to maintain a blocklist to prevent certain tags from showing up in the title.
There are far more tags that will not be blocklisted, than there will be tags that we will need to add to the blocklist. For us, we would only need it for a limited number of tags like platforms, genres, and a handful of superset elements like achievements or weapons. Thus, it will not require a whole bunch of continual maintenance as the majority of future incoming tags will generally be of the game-name variety, which should not be blocklisted.