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Questions tagged [game-modifications]

discussion on the subject of mods for games should use this tag. Also consider [allowed-questions]

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13 votes
6 answers

Do "mod-development" questions belong here?

This is a continuation of "do "map-editor" questions belong here". I'd say mod-making typically revolves around reprogramming game aspects, reskinning or replacing models, changing sound effects and ...
13 votes
1 answer

Let's talk about [Mods]

In no small part inspired by another question, I wanted to briefly consider the role of the mods tag. We've had a couple discussions already about whether or not they're appropriate, but only one ...
tzenes's user avatar
  • 44.7k
4 votes
4 answers

What's the stance on mods to PC games?

I've just spotted this question and a bit of research yielded this mod which might solve the problem. Is it OK to post links to such mods?
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 9,414
7 votes
4 answers

Are MCBE "behaviour packs" on-topic?

If I understand it right, this question is about behaviour packs in MCBE. As far as I know, those are written in a regular programming language, just using an MCBE specific API. Are those questions on-...
Fabian Röling's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Are questions about hardware mods on topic?

I came across the following question, and my first instinct was to vote to close as off-topic: To be clear, this meta question deals only with case mods or ...
MBraedley's user avatar
  • 16.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Where do we stand on Mod Identification Questions?

Not too long ago, a question was asked to identify a mod in Minecraft: Can someone help me find this Minecraft mod name? There is a ten year old meta question about Mod Identification: Mod ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
  • 56k
5 votes
2 answers

Are Minecraft BE behaviour packs considered mods? [duplicate]

It seems like this duplicate has been raised a while before in the past, but has not achieved community consensus. Let's revisit this discussion one more time. Related: Are Minecraft JE data packs ...
One 2 Many's user avatar
  • 12.8k
-4 votes
3 answers

We shouldn't have a close reason specific to a single game. What is a better close reason?

As some probably already know, I do not think that it's good to have a close reason that is specific to a single game. So why is this a problem? It drives some people off the site, I don't have any ...
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