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Questions tagged [chat]

for questions regarding Arqade & Stack Exchange's chat system, or moderation surrounding particular chat rooms.

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Have links to items on Steam posted in chat expand like Wikipedia links do

When posting a link in chat, some websites will expand the link into details from the destination. Examples of links that do this are site such as: Youtube Wikipedia xkcd Stack Exchange sites For ...
Batophobia's user avatar
  • 13.4k
7 votes
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Allow users to Follow/Subscribe to chat rooms and receive notifications on activity?

Some of the less busy chatrooms may not receive messages for a few days. To save people checking in every couple of hours, it would be nice to be able to subscribe to particular rooms, and receive a ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k
7 votes
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Onebox links (both streams and archives) in chat

I'd love to see links to Twitch TV oneboxed in chat for both streams and archives. So for the following link (Daigo vs. Xian at PAX): In chat, we ...
casperOne's user avatar
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6 votes
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Links to mobile.twitter URL's don't Onebox in chat

URL links to tweets embed nicely in a nice chat onebox that provides the text of the tweet. It's awesome. But when the URL is for twitters mobile site, such as
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
5 votes
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Tooltip for flagging messages is wrong

Not that I was actually going to flag it...but: Note: My mouse was over "flag as spam/offensive". I don't think that's the same as "click to star".
Invader Skoodge's user avatar
4 votes
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Arqade chat unable to login

I was trying to go and chat with people on Arqade, but I went to a chat room (Summoner's Rift) and it said you need to be logged in to chat, I pressed login and got to the auto login page, waited for ~...
Slyre's user avatar
  • 142
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Chat onebox tag overflow

If I post a user profile with too many tags, it looks awful:
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
4 votes
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Chat user display overflows wrongly

Pretty serious bug in chat today, when the 32nd person joined the room, their avatar appeared in a strange place: I don't think I can continue to use chat until this is fixed.
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
3 votes
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The sidebar appears to be under attack by a merciless, giant, mutant Gravatar

OH GOD IT'S ALREADY CONSUMED TIM AND IT'S COMING FOR ME WHAT DO I DO? Mouseover tooltip indicates that it belongs to AHSteele, and this is occurring to me using Safari 5.1.5 under OS X 10.7
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
2 votes
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Cant zoom back in chat

I'm stuck in a zoom out mode of the chat. How can I fix that? It happened when I went to the full, desktop site and then went back in mobile mode I even deleted my cache/cookies, but it is still ...
Fredy31's user avatar
  • 40.8k
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Chat user list is jumping a line

I looked at the user list while in the chat and noticed there were 2 lines with 1 user on each. The 3rd lin contains user @TrentHawkins while the 4th line only has @hwlau. Additionally, the entire ...
Batophobia's user avatar
  • 13.4k
1 vote
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Questions Show a Mutated Logo in Chat

When a question is posted in chat, it shows an icon for the parent network site in the top right corner. Since the new design and icon for gaming were published, ours appears to have been hit by ...
GnomeSlice's user avatar
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