The game Mukashi Mukashi aru Tokoro ni Totetsumonaku Naka no Warui Twintail no Shimai Himesama ga Irasshaimashita to sa is obviously way too long to even conceivably fit in a tag. There have been some back-and-forth on how to tag it, now that we actually have a question on it. How should we go about tagging it?
Some examples that have been proposed, or are derived from propositions.
- [mmt]: MMT is the official abbreviation used by the creators of the game, both in the files and on their website.
- [mmatntnnwtnshgits]: What would be produced if the full name, as transliterated, were converted into a direct acronym.
- [mmttnwtshi]: A shortened acronym that removes those minor words.
- [mukashi-mukashi-tokoro]: A direct expansion of the official abbreviation. The technical expansion is mukashi-mukashi-aru-tokoro, but that is 26 characters and thus too long.
- [mukashimukashiarutokoro]: As above, but without linebreaks. This is more accurate but less readable, but technically the title doesn't have linebreaks anyway. This is 23 characters.