One of the problems with the tagging system that are magnified on Arqade is the automatic tag removal script that removes tags that have only been used once in the last six months.
There exists a simple setting to disable the tag removal scripts on SE sites. I propose to enable this setting and disable the automatic tag removal on this site. Of course bad tags are harmful, but having the community clean up untagged questions regularly that had their game tags removed is just a waste of time. I'm not convinced that the benefits of the script outweigh the harm and waste of time we know it causes.
As it is a simple setting there is no significant cost for SE to implement this. We, the Arqade community, bear the cost of changing this. We'll have to clean up more tags if I'm wrong about the benefit of the script, but I think the benefits will outweigh the harm by useless tags that won't get deleted. Other options might also be to implement better tools to deal with bad tags, making the automatic script obsolete.
I've proposed a replacement for the script in form of a review queue for tags on Meta.SO, that should ensure that useless tags still get removed.