Delete these questions, for they poison the well. We shouldn't offer our visitors a mixture of relevant and known irrelevant content. If it slips by so be it, otherwise it's negligence. These questions should join the dozen of high quality questions and answers we had about Minecraft boosters because, no matter how good they were, they are now devoid of any value.
Keep in mind that if your post is good enough you'll keep reputation earned from it even after deletion.
Frank mentions the case of a deceased game. I'd say that is different. People googling for City of Heroes have different expectations than people looking for Tiny Death Star. Ones obviously are on a nostalgia trip on the game they used to play, or are simply curious about what they obviously missed on. There's only probably a handful of them, but given that the game is 100% dead there is no point for us to go tend to those questions. The others are exceedingly likely only to care about the game as it is today; if they want a blast from the past there's YouTube or game wiki's. Answers about unavailable content is only going to be confusing and lead to poor questions like "You said to do X to do Y, but where is the button for X? why doesn't Y happen?".
In other words, dead games are dead. Rest in peace. Unlike corpses their questions don't stink and we get to let them lie around harmlessly. Dead features of games that are alive, on the other hand, are like necrosis; they make amputation necessary for the sustenance of the rest of the body. Let us praktice medicine.