I understand that there is a risk of subjective answers, such as X clan is awesome
and so forth, but isn't that why the se system works? If someone posted that kind of an answer, it would be downvoted heavily. There are objective answers/pieces of advice which work for this question, (see my comment).
We had a discussion about this on chat. We decided it was too subjective to leave open, plus it was too open-ended as is.– user56Commented Aug 8, 2010 at 22:56
3@Arda Some more detail as to how you people came to that conclusion would be nice "Oh, we had a discussion" doesn't really answer the "why". What elements made you all think it was too subjective and open-ended?– Grace Note StaffModCommented Aug 9, 2010 at 13:40
What I said, it's too open-ended. The answers would mostly be a list of clans to join. There's way too much of those to answer the question properly.– user56Commented Aug 9, 2010 at 15:55
@Adra I think our discussion was a little more in depth than you seem to be portraying, I'll try ti write up a little more as an answer later.– tzenesCommented Aug 10, 2010 at 1:31
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