Spoiler text has already been basically implemented as shown in


post.. What I would like is to not have an entire spoiler block breaking up sentences and paragraphs, and instead have it appear inline, similar to how bold and italics are handled. In otherwords, making the following text between the square brackets [] only visible on mouse over:

Spoiler text has already been basically implemented as shown in [this] post..

As another example, the question I wanted to put this into had this snippet of text in it (Note that if you keep on reading you will get a Skyrim spoiler)

There is one house not far from the Gildegreen tree that's been boarded up at least since the Stormcloak invasion, and cannot be entered. Please tell me this isn't it?

I would prefer to have the part about the stormcloak invasion blanked out at least, but using a spoiler block turns this one sentence into a lot of vertical scroll like:

There is one house not far from the Gildegreen tree that's been boarded up

at least since the Stormcloak invasion,

and cannot be entered. Please tell me this isn't it?

  • So can I ask why the -1? Do I need to clarify the extension or is it just not a good idea?
    – James
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 22:24
  • I almost don't want this as I foresee people abusing this like on TVTropes where entire entries are blanked except for random articles and conjunctions.
    – Nick T
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 22:34
  • Even from reading the original post about this it does not have wide SE use. I just feel it is fairly useful for gaming however. Gaming is one of those weird things where you generally want a very specific question asked/answered with out the entire situation explained openly, depending on who you are. @NickT Isnt that where those of us who can come through and edit the posts to provide some level of quality come in?
    – James
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 22:35

2 Answers 2


I don't like this idea; the current spoiler tag forces people to condense their spoilery thoughts into sections. I hate entries on TVTropes that look like this:

TVTropes spoiler style

(Their tag requires you highlight the text to reveal.) Some of the editors there go nuts with the tag and make unreadable pages which I think stems from being unable (not trying hard enough) to compartmentalize a spoiler into a tight little bundle.

I don't really equate the baby with the bathwater, but I think there needs to be more of a demonstrated need before implementing something like this.

That said, as far as use on other sites is concerned, SciFi and Movies could also (mis)use such a thing at the very least.

  • I certainly do not want to promote this site starting to look like the above example from TVTropes.. I do however not see how you could separate what is clearly vital information from the Skyrim example I added to the original question with out just removing all of it from the question. Maybe the solution is to simply not include the extra information? I guess there may be a thin line between extra information to get a better answer and enough information to get the answer.
    – James
    Commented Dec 28, 2011 at 22:53

Just use the mighty powers of rephrasing!

There is one house not far from the Gildegreen tree that's been boarded up and cannot be entered.

It's been boarded up at least since the Stormcloak invasion.

Please tell me this isn't it?

The potential for abuse is simply too high. Just look at people abusing backticks for quoting, emphasis and other evil, chaotic evil purposes.


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