I've recently started hanging around gaming.se's chat room (mostly The Bridge), and have enjoyed the laid back and friendly atmosphere. Last night, LessPop and I were by ourselves, so we were going back and forth exchanging youtube videos. I posted one that I thought may have strong language, so I noted that it was potentially NSFW. Suddenly someone else comes in and says that they don't like NSFW videos. I then get my account suspended without warning and the post is deleted.
At the time, I accepted and understood that the video was not appropriate for chat. I then went to search for a list of what is suitable for chat. In my searching, I found this in the chat FAQ:
This site is an extension of The Stack Exchange Network, so discussion should more or less revolve around the same topics you'd find at The Stack Exchange Network — but in an interactive, less strictly Q&A focused way. Do have fun, but please keep it professional and always be respectful of your fellow community members.
I have seen some (light) profanity in the chat, which I feel is more in violation of the above rule than posting a link. Someone can't choose to not have NSFW text appear, while they can choose to pass over NSFW links.
I don't feel the SE chat FAQ provides detailed enough guidelines for users to draw adequate conclusions of what is and isn't appropriate for chat rooms, especially on a more relaxed site like gaming.
With that, I ask, what is and is not allowed in gaming chat? Does it change based on the room you are in?