badp seems hell-bent on making sprays for TF2 for the sake of advertising the site, but he was remarking how long the domain name is, e.g.
Why do we have to have such a longass domain name :|
I wanted to make a promotional TF2 spray but no one is going to type that URL from a spray[much later...]
I mean, our domain name makes this kind of stuff useless, but seriously...— badp
Could another level be added to the domain name so something like: or (I'd guess that tags that collide with existing directories are rare) would redirect to It's not a massive improvement, but it's still an improvement that still retains the brand versus using some random URL shortening service.
It seems like this would work fine pretty much anywhere,, etc.[tf2]
is equivalent to, and slightly shorter than,
. But it's still long.