I noticed this behavior from a specific person already multiple times. While I fully understand that it is a good thing to provide interesting questions even if you know the answer, I feel kind of misled if not even betrayed if the post is written in a form inducing OP has no clue of the topic, but then the OP answers it some minutes later in a fully formatted, multiple pages text.
Both his question AND answer had been heavily downvoted for this behavior. While at least the content of the answer was something I really liked and and upvoted, I feel uncertain about the situation.
Is it ok to ask a question in the form:
I heard of something called X, and am interested why people talk about it, are there any benefits or whats it about x?
Just to answer it some moments later with a few thousand character answer?
The point what I don't like about it is, the way the OP is misrepresenting the goal of the post. Potential answerers would be investing time into basic explanations, as it really looks like OP has no clue about the topic. But this is wasting other peoples time, as he don't even wants/needs any base information about it and it appears to him not even welcoming other people answering this.
Again, asking questions just to enrich this sites knowledge base by then giving the answer is totally fine. But asking in a way that tends to waste people time on basic explanations, where OP is well informed about the topic from the first moment? Doesn't feel right to me.
So how do we deal with these situations?