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Can we replace the GitHub Profile field with Steam ID?

New profiles are here! Yay! There are fields for relevant social links like Twitter and... GitHub? I mean, GitHub makes tons of sense over on the mothership, but here at Arqade, we're about using ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

People who claim positions of authority should have to substantiate those claims

We recently had a problematic answer that originally claimed to have privileged information from development of the game in question. This answer made basically the same claims as other answers to ...
murgatroid99's user avatar
  • 21.2k
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Can the profile 'website link' be made to render Steam/YouTube/Twitch channel names like the Twitter one does?

I was updating my profile and I noticed that we now support links to Twitter, Which render the name of the feed quite nicely on the profile itself: This is great! My question is: could we do this ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to send private message on gaming?

I feel like an idiot, but I don't see any way to send a private message to someone, is this not allowed or am I a blind old man? I want to prompt someone to accept my answer since they said it fixed ...
Kurt Koller's user avatar
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Profile issues on Gaming Meta?

I would like to change some profile information, or at least copy it from StackOverflow. There's no option to do this, nor is there an Accounts tab. I changed my profile on Gaming just fine, but the ...
Corey's user avatar
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