I don't play StarCraft 2 and have no interest in seeing the 'AnswerSwarm' achievement points. I would prefer to see my profile details immediately when I view my profile page, but the 'AnswerSwarm' banner prevents this, as it is ultralisk-huge.
Users not logged in can also see the banner in my profile. I tested this by viewing my profile page in private/incognito mode.
(I'm putting an answer on how to remove the promo banner client-side with a browser extension, but I am also making a feature-request to allow disabling or opting-out of this server-side.)
I'm getting comments stating that this may be caused by posting in starcraft-2 or up/downvoting a starcraft-2 post since the start of the contest. However, I have not posted in [starcraft-2]. And I have downvoted one starcraft-2 question after I posted this meta post and seeing the banner. And my 'AnswerSwarm' achievements currently state "1 up/down votes cast". (I don't recall any other up/downvotes aside from that.) So that means that the banner was already being shown to me even before I cast an up/downvote on a starcraft-2 post since the start of the contest. I'm adding the bug tag, in case this is a bug.
Related questions if you would like to know how to hide specific tags, like starcraft-2, in the questions feed: