We haven't actually established an official anti-shopping recommendation policy. There has been one off-hand suggestion and one strangely scoped and strangely phrased question.
Super User has such a clause of their own, and pretty much all of the same concepts that apply there also apply here. And, as our resident SU mod wrote in an answer,
we should teach people how to catch a fish rather than to point him to the best fishing rod
This is something we've been silently abiding by, encouraging questions like these two, while discouraging questions like these two. So I've been thinking that we should make this an official policy that we add to our FAQ. This gives us something in our FAQ that can actually be linked to when these come up, which is the primary benefit.
This doesn't change the scope of our handling of hardware/software (although, there is some leniency I think we can add, but that's a topic for another meta question), and this should not be confused with our other recommendation services. This is targetting questions asking about money, budget, or marketplace - questions that in essence ask what should be purchased.
So... yay or nay on this policy? Go, discuss open your thoughts! ♪