When I first joined Arqade, I think one of the first thing's I tried to setup was a intra-site Secret Santa.
We did not have many participants, but there were enough to actually have a rather fun Secret Santa. Hopefully, at least, I believe all parties involved had a pretty fun time.
That said, I'm thinking about doing the same thing on Steam again this year.
I'd just like to gauge the community's interest and see what the consensus is on this. Would more people be willing to sign up? (last year we had 10-ish participants).
Please let me know in the comments or in answer if you can participate. Nothing's concrete yet, but I do plan on making one (if I have enough support) for this year!
EDIT1: Looks like we have a stronger "pre-order" list this time around. As such, I'll be using this question to have people post their opinions on rules, limitations on game (please, no copies of The Ship), etc. Please post any comments, concerns, or questions in either comments or as an answer, thanks!