Story identification questions are perfectly on topic on SFF and in fact we are one of the main sites that have made them work. Video games are also on topic for us and we even have a specific video game story id guide.
Now with that established we actually don't get many video game identification questions but when we do they are usually accompanied by some form of comment like:
You should have asked this on Arqade.
This is not okay. Assuming that these questions are SFF-nal and so on topic then asking, or even telling, users that they should ask on Arqade instead is not acceptable. It is up to the OP to ask where they choose and if they choose SFF over Arqade then they clearly want their question there.
What is more troubling is that a lot of these have even requested moving them when the question has no media in it and thus it would be closed here. I found it more troublesome recently when a high rep user here suggested that the OP should have asked on reddit when the question was on topic on SFF!
So long story short...
Please do not recommend moving an on topic SFF question to Arqade!
I have deliberately not included examples of these comments but if requested I can find some. Of the last 5, all the ones this year, 3 have a comment and the last 2, most recent, (which inspired me to post this) both have a comment.
I have also posted something similar on SFF.