I can't find it anymore, below the user's flair. Did you remove it ? Why ?
I couldn't find any subject about that in meta (which seems curious), so I hope I'm not duplicating something.
I can't find it anymore, below the user's flair. Did you remove it ? Why ?
I couldn't find any subject about that in meta (which seems curious), so I hope I'm not duplicating something.
Remember Arqade is a part of the larger Stack Exchange family of sites; if you don't find something on our meta, a good place to look is on the main meta site.
Accepted answers ratio is indeed no longer displayed on questions, and here's the relevant discussion:
In addition, every time you find yourself wondering whether something has changed, you should check out this handy topic:
(where you can see "2013-01-22: Accept rates will no longer be shown. Like flag weight, they will continue to be calculated for backend use.")