In reference to this question... The OP of that question more or less admits that they know that their question is a duplicate. However, they also claim that all the answers in the question are out of date due to Minecraft's new launcher. Therefore, they created this new question asking for updated info.
Now, I was under the impression that there are better ways of asking for updated info in a question that has been asked in the past. Bounties are the primary method of reviving an old question, but edits could also potentially help out with that niche. However, I checked Meta for some confirmation and was not able to find a satisfactory (for me) resolution.
In the meta discussion, Handling dupes asking for updated info, the comments seem to indicate that a bounty/edit should have been made. But then the only actual answer that says this is downvoted, and the two related questions are both still open.
There are even more meta discussions where it's suggested to update answers on the existing question if the answers go out of date, but none of these handle duplicates. So, what do we do with duplicates that are asking for updated info? Close them as duplicates? Close the old question as a duplicate of the new? Leave them both alone? I think an official stance would be helpful for clarifying the rules.