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Matthew Read's user avatar
Matthew Read
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
36 votes

A new name for Gaming Stack Exchange?

30 votes

Should we flag gibberish answers as spam?

21 votes

Should we care if an answer is from Googled information, as long as it is right?

16 votes

"Why did They design it that way, anyway?", and why do we allow or disallow these?

15 votes

Would you like Gaming.SE merch with "classic" questions on them?

14 votes

How should Counter-Strike global offensive be tagged?

13 votes

What are the expectations of the Gaming Promotional Grant?

12 votes

Are good questions necessarily linked to research effort?

12 votes

Can I ask if a specific game will run on a specific computer system?

12 votes

What's the deal with [legal]?

12 votes

Edit wars are bad. Don't encourage or participate in them

11 votes

What's the policy on site-specific changes?

10 votes

Seriously? A screenshot service?

10 votes

Can answers be accepted by other users?

10 votes

The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

9 votes

What issues must be resolved before we vote on keeping "Identify This Game" questions?

9 votes

If I'm planning on buying a game but there might be some GSE giveaway for it, should I hold off?

8 votes

Non-gaming gaming console questions -- allowed?

8 votes

How should we deal with direct questions on hardware modding?

8 votes

Should there be a "blogged" tag?

8 votes

How do I tag 'It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin'?

8 votes

Why was identify-this-game question closed?

8 votes

Rename or remove [old-games]

8 votes

What list questions are good?

7 votes

Would it be appropriate to ask a question regarding how to legally backup your own games?

7 votes

Questions about the portrayal of women in games

7 votes

How do I know if I should move forward with something that was discussed on meta?

6 votes

When should a highly-downvoted answer be flagged as "very low quality"?

6 votes

Is it OK to down-vote overly popular answers?

6 votes

Diablo 3 Gems - Quick To Answer