>*I'm treating this somewhat like a [meta-tag:support] question as with the current system I think you can largely do what you're asking, though it's a manual process.  Let me know what you think.*

After a [search][1], for example "[stealth killing](https://gaming.stackexchange.com/search?q=stealth+killing&submit=search)", that query remains in the search box which you can continue to tweak as desired<sup>‡</sup>, say to "[stealth killing [deus-ex-human-revolution]](https://gaming.stackexchange.com/search?q=stealth+killing+%5Bdeus-ex-human-revolution%5D&submit=search)"

Note that if you add a search term in square brackets `[]`, it will be interpreted as a tag, even if it isn't popular enough to automatically be so.  Check out the [search page][1] for more methods to improve your queries.

<sup>‡If you tweak too fast; more than 6 searches in 1 minute, you get rate limited.</sup>

[1]: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/search