I want to get peoples opinion on this topic. I generally spend a lot of time preparing answers: I spend up to an hour on some questions and 30 minutes on this [question](http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/260266/any-good-strategies-for-defeating-super-mutants/260272#260272). As you can see, I don't have much reputation on this site but after giving the question OP a source to read/explaining it in my answer, someone with lots of reputation writes a lengthier post which gets 7 upvotes and I get nothing. That made me want to quit this site. His answer is 2x longer than mine and somehow using big font he gets lots of attention from the answer and I got none because its somehow bad and I apparently didn't answer the question. I want people to read the question and the answers and give their opinions about this situation: Do you think that voting needs to change? If you don't understand the point I'm trying to make it is "is the future of this site based on whoever has the most reputation and whoever uses the biggest fonts and whoever makes the longest answer". **Edit:** thanks to some awful people on this site who where so rude to downvote my answer I was forced to delete and none of you have answered my question seriously is this website so bad.