5 users decided to [throw away the attempt at policy making][1] Oak tried to make and [the resulting question][2] because [an unimplementable answer attracted large consensus.][3] In some of these users' opinion, the only way to truly exclude this poll is to start over.

> I have to be honest, this vote was not conducted with enough preparation and for-planning and the result has been disastrous. I'm going to have to ask, at this time, that we abandon this vote and reconvene when we have a better understanding of what it is that we want to accomplish, and a better method for doing so. – tzenes yesterday

Frankly, I disagree for a number of simple reasons:

* There was a time and a place to prepare and that time and place are now well over.
* Users can vote on multiple answers, so you do *not* necessarily discount users by discounting an answer.
* The whole point of this poll is that the current situation is unacceptable. Voting to keep the situation basically as-is, thus, is unacceptable.

  [1]: https://gaming.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1482/final-game-rec-showdown-preparation
  [2]: https://gaming.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1491
  [3]: https://gaming.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1491/what-should-be-done-with-questions-asking-for-game-recommendations/1493#1493