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2 answers

Question stuck in reopen queue

This reopen queue review has received 6 leave closed reviews, one from a mod, but the review is still active.
pppery's user avatar
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"How to reference" link in "Copied content" edit rejection reason is broken

Pretty self explanatory.
Wrigglenite's user avatar
  • 45.8k
8 votes
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Review queue "edit" link does not display warning messages

When attempting to edit a post from one of the review queues earlier today, it appeared that the "edit" link was non-responsive. Opening the question outside of the review queue, revealed the ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Reopen queue not working

The reopen queue (for me at least). It's showing an error message "An error occurred when loading the review item. Please try again." I don't have idea if this is occurring with someone else or I'm ...
Michel's user avatar
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2 answers

Counter beside review button in top bar

Wouldn't it be easier to have a number (maybe in brackets) beside the review button at the top to show you how many items you can currently review? At the moment you have to click the review button to ...
Bunyip's user avatar
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Why can't I comment in the review queue?

I recall being able to comment in the review queue before. I liked this since it let me leave helpful, personalised comments to guide newer users in the right direction. However, it seems like it's ...
Schism's user avatar
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Is my flag review count notification bugged?

For the past few days now, I've noticed that my flag counter next to the review queue hasn't been functioning properly. Currently, it's showing there are 5 flags awaiting review: However, when I view ...
Niro's user avatar
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Page Not Found error after reviewing an answer

After reviewing this answer in the 'Low Quality Post' queue, and then clicking on 'Recommend Deletion' selecting a comment, I get to this URL:
galacticninja's user avatar