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Questions tagged [reviewing]

use this tag for questions about the review system or to discuss particular review outcomes.

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Could we add this feedback regarding Minecraft command questions to the review queues?

A lot of Minecraft command questions we get are missing info. Generally when this happens, someone will post this comment: On Minecraft commands questions, please see our guide on what to do before ...
DaemonsMercy's user avatar
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Review queue not showing answers marked as spam correctly

Review queue in question While going through the review queue this morning, I noticed a bug when reviewing the linked duplicate. When viewing the question normally, answers that have been marked as ...
Wondercricket's user avatar
5 votes
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Review queue doesn't highlight respective vote arrow

Below are some screenshots (for those who have <10K when the answer gets deleted) of a UI bug I encountered while going through the review queue. While viewing the answer on the question page, the ...
Wondercricket's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Question stuck in reopen queue

This reopen queue review has received 6 leave closed reviews, one from a mod, but the review is still active.
pppery's user avatar
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Do we have different definitions of "Looks OK"?

When a new user asks a question, I usually open it to check it and give them a welcome. Sometimes those questions are badly worded, have missing punctuation or some misspelled words, or in other cases ...
pinckerman's user avatar
  • 43.8k
13 votes
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How to properly use the new review queues?

The new first answer and first question queues let you do these actions: I've encountered a couple of posts that were a spam question and a question posted as an answer. The actions suggested were ...
pinckerman's user avatar
  • 43.8k
6 votes
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I lost access to the review queues?

I've been trying to check the review queues more often lately, and this last time I checked, I received a message stating I have no review queues available: Update 1: If I navigate to the queue ...
Taco's user avatar
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Low Quality Post reviews are too absolute

The latest update to the LQ queue only provides three options for improving a post: "Looks OK", which explicitly states that an answer is perfectly fine, "Edit", which allows you ...
Corsaka's user avatar
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Feedback regarding review suspension

I have been suspended from reviewing, and I believe it is unjustified. See the review in question here. I reviewed it as 'Not an answer'. The question can be found here. I reviewed it as 'Looks OK'. ...
Joachim's user avatar
  • 22.7k
2 votes
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Has anyone else noticed the new review queue?

Recently, I was doing my question sweep and noted late posts was overdue for a review. When I opened it, it looked much different! Has a change been made on SE, or is this an opt-in the arqade SE ...
Eris Starmaster's user avatar
3 votes
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How did I review stuff incorrectly?

I am suspended from reviewing because I reviewed stuff incorrectly. All the stuff I reviewed ended up getting deleted by a moderator and on all of them I had: Upvoted a comment saying that’s not how ...
Penguin's user avatar
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Should I mark edits that have some good aspects and some bad aspects as helpful or not?

The Suggested Edits Review Queue contains five buttons for actions to take on suggested edits, two of which allow the reviewing user to edit the post further. The only difference between the "...
One 2 Many's user avatar
  • 12.8k
2 votes
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Does the review queue's "filter" function combine tags using AND or OR?

In any review queue, you can choose filters, which will streamline your reviews to only those from the tags you specify. When entering multiple tags (example 2), does the review queue only select ...
One 2 Many's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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How do I see items that I already passed in a review queue?

After passing through a review queue in Arqade, I would like to revisit some of these questions/answers, but don't remember the name or any of the text in that question. I do not want to have to ...
One 2 Many's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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How many people need to review each queue to remove the post from queue?

I've been reviewing a lot of suggested edits recently and sometimes there is a red dot by it meaning that there are a lot of posts in that queue. But after I go through and complete them all I notice ...
Robbie's user avatar
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What details or clarity is required to reopen this question?

I asked the following question: ELI5 — Steering Non-linearity What details or clarity is required to re-open it?
user avatar
7 votes
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What does the red dot in the drop down review queue tab mean?

Usually when I click on the review queue tab at in the top right hand corner of the site, the queues with items to review have a grey dot next to them. Occasionally there is a red dot and I have ...
Colin's user avatar
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What happened to this review?

I was attempting to review an answer in the VLQ queue. I voted to delete the answer, and a message popped up and said an error occurred, please try again. I refreshed the page only to be greeted with ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 27.7k
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Do answers get pushed into Low Quality Posts when they gather enough downvotes?

Part of this question says: Is it incorrect? Downvote it (and if it gets enough downvotes, it’ll get kicked into the low quality queue where the community can delete it). Emphasis mine. Is this ...
Picachieu's user avatar
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"How to reference" link in "Copied content" edit rejection reason is broken

Pretty self explanatory.
Wrigglenite's user avatar
  • 45.8k
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Review queue "edit" link does not display warning messages

When attempting to edit a post from one of the review queues earlier today, it appeared that the "edit" link was non-responsive. Opening the question outside of the review queue, revealed the ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
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Weird box after finishing an edit review

I finished reviewing an edit and hit the reject button, and the next page had a weird little box popup. I'm not entirely sure what caused it, though it may be do to my mouse occasionally glitching and ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 27.7k
24 votes
3 answers

Could tag wiki reviewers please check for plagiarism?

This is primarily a PSA to get users to be sure that tag wiki content is not plagiarized. The fact that only 20k+ users can edit tag wikis without being reviewed first carries quite a bit of weight ...
Vemonus's user avatar
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Are there any audits on this site?

I've done around 50 reviews for Arqade. I have not gotten a single audit yet. On StackOverflow I would have gotten at least two or three by now. Are there actually any audits on this site? If so, ...
Mage Xy's user avatar
  • 17.9k
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First Post Review Queue Bug? More than 140 reviews in a week

When I hover over my picture in recent reviews, it says I have reviewed 147 first posts this week, however there is a limit to 20 reviews per day, and last time I checked, there are only 7 days in a ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 27.7k
11 votes
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Review queue bug?

Today I went to review a few things as it showed that there were a few things to review in the queue, however when I clicked on the review button, there was only 1 suggested edit though the indicator ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
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Could the Low Quality review queue detect previous actions on a post?

I almost always have Arqade open on a tab watching for new questions to pop up while doing other things. When they do, I look at them, and sometimes I will flag them if needed. The problem is that ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 27.7k
14 votes
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Should I reject additions to answers made by other users?

If any user adds additional information to an answer that was clearly not in the original answer itself, should that answer be approved or rejected (assuming this information is correct)? For ...
Broots Waymb's user avatar
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Do we really have 1.7k late answers to review?

Just seen this on the Arqade Review page: Do we really have 1.7k late answers to review? I skipped through a couple and the answers do seem to be queued. Is that a bug? Or what is it?
Ricardo's user avatar
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Hitting Ctrl and then 'Enter' twice when improving a suggested edit seems to submit it twice - but the second revision is blank

I was reviewing a suggested edit which I chose to 'Improve and Edit'. Whilst editing I tend to use the Ctrl and arrow keys to jump across words quickly. I went to insert a couple of newlines with ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k
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Can I retract a Suggested Edit vote?

Sometimes when reviewing suggested edits, some users (well, for all I know, just me) can sometimes accidentally hit the wrong option - Approve when they meant to reject and vice versa. Is there a way ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Retract Suggested Edits

Is there a way to retract a previously rejected/accepted Suggested Edit? Something like Close Votes and Reopen Votes, for example. Is this possible?
pinckerman's user avatar
  • 43.8k
10 votes
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Should I recommend deletion if someone else has already done so?

While going through Review: Low Quality posts, I find a lot of ones that I would recommend to delete, but another user has already recommended it to be deleted (I assume they did seeing that most of ...
The Man's user avatar
  • 14.2k
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'Delete' button missing when I reviewed an answer in the Low Quality Posts queue as a 20K rep user

I noticed that one of the answers I recently reviewed in the Low Quality Posts queue didn't allow me to 'Delete', but only to 'Recommend Deletion'. Another example here. (Normally, a user with 20K rep ...
galacticninja's user avatar
1 vote
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What review am I missing?

I have for weeks now been wondering why do I always see a certain number of reviews pending but when I go check the reviews' queues there are none. Today it got worse when on the main page of the ...
WizLiz's user avatar
  • 16.2k
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When does the "Edit too Minor" option appear?

I got a heap of review notices for proposed edits, merely to find that a majority were simply adding "in [this game]" to the end of the title. I chose to reject them for being too minor, but the ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Suggested edit flag isn't clearing, even there isn't anything for me to review in the queue

I came to the site this morning and saw the flag notice for a new suggested edit. I clicked the flag, looked at the suggested edit, and skipped it (because I didn't know anything about the game in ...
MBraedley's user avatar
  • 16.4k
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Reopen queue not working

The reopen queue (for me at least). It's showing an error message "An error occurred when loading the review item. Please try again." I don't have idea if this is occurring with someone else or I'm ...
Michel's user avatar
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Is editing a question to use the Spoiler format acceptable?

I have unfortunately on multiple occasions seen answer or questions that i clicked on because i liked the game and ended up seeing a spoiler. Is it bad to edit these posts with spoiler markup so that ...
Flaunting's user avatar
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Counter beside review button in top bar

Wouldn't it be easier to have a number (maybe in brackets) beside the review button at the top to show you how many items you can currently review? At the moment you have to click the review button to ...
Bunyip's user avatar
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Can the close review queue stop assuming that an edit to a duplicate is the last action I want to take?

Disclaimer: This is about closing as duplicates only - not other types of closures. When in the review queue for close votes, I sometimes find myself reviewing a question that has been voted for ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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I get notified of my own Suggested Edits for review

I believe the functionality behind the review notification doesn't check the Suggested Edit's User Id against the logged in User's Id to determine whether you should be reviewing your own edit. The ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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I can't select "I'm Done" when reviewing

I was looking at the review queue and ended up with a first post review that I had flagged half an hour before for closure. Until recently the "I'm done" choice was available to select if I had ...
Arperum's user avatar
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Why can't I comment in the review queue?

I recall being able to comment in the review queue before. I liked this since it let me leave helpful, personalised comments to guide newer users in the right direction. However, it seems like it's ...
Schism's user avatar
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How to proceed when reviewing questions with helpful comments

When reviewing I've found cases similar to this incomplete answer, where there is a comment explaining how to improve it. What is the correct procedure? Should I upvote the comment? Should I "Looks ...
HenryHey's user avatar
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Is my flag review count notification bugged?

For the past few days now, I've noticed that my flag counter next to the review queue hasn't been functioning properly. Currently, it's showing there are 5 flags awaiting review: However, when I view ...
Niro's user avatar
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Why is review only available to 500+ reputation

Previously, review was available for those with 125 reputation or above. The reasoning seemed to be that 125 was enough to downvote, which is the last of the possible review actions (downvote, upvote,...
Brythan's user avatar
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Can we pay more attention when voting to close questions?

Recently we've had a few questions closed that perhaps shouldn't have been, or should have been closed with a different reason. I don't want to dig up the obvious candidate here, that has it's own ...
user avatar
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Why must users have a certain amount of reputation to simply view review queues?

I can understand why users would require a certain amount of reputation to, for example, approve and reject edits. I do not, however, understand why users would require a certain amount of reputation ...
does not consent to genAI's user avatar
2 votes
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Page Not Found error after reviewing an answer

After reviewing this answer in the 'Low Quality Post' queue, and then clicking on 'Recommend Deletion' selecting a comment, I get to this URL:
galacticninja's user avatar