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How is Impact Reached calculated?

In my profile it says the impact reached is 214k people. How is this possible? I checked all of my answers and questions and there is no way they total up to 200k+ people reached. Is this a bug?
DialFrost's user avatar
  • 1,874
0 votes
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Can I change my username? [duplicate]

How I can change my username? As you can see my name is was The Piano Man because I started out in music stack exchange. Now I am in different communities, and I think it's funny to have someone named ...
Lucy The Gamer's user avatar
5 votes
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What does the "25% vote on questions" mean on the "Electorate" badge?

If you read my profile, and see my activity, I am trying to earn the "Electorate" badge. I have 329 votes cast and only 324 are recorded, but this isn't a bug! I just want to know what the &...
Lynt's user avatar
  • 891
6 votes
1 answer

'Top Tags' section overflowing into right-hand side of profile

The 'Top tags' section of a User Profile overflows into the right side of the page. This happens when the tag names are too long: This has a flow-on effect with the 'Newest Posts' section too: This ...
Penguin's user avatar
  • 5,250
6 votes
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The Curious badge and timezones

Living around the GMT+8 timezone, I have been certain with asking questions on separate days in this site for a while, and seeing how all my questions progress, it seems like a possibility to get the ...
Mark Giraffe's user avatar
2 votes
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User "Has not participated in any tags"

Some people who have asked or answered questions have in their tags section saying that they haven't participated in tags, which isn't right. Is there a reason for this? A lot of people with 1 ...
Penguin's user avatar
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Profile Picture Error

I've been trying to change my profile picture, it would upload, but it will change back to the default when i reload the page. why is it doing this and how can i get my profile picture to stay?
RiotRuth's user avatar
  • 933
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Formatting broken when bounty is suggested

Looking through my list of questions, I noticed that the banner suggesting accepting an answer/offering a bounty breaks the formatting of the list, pushing the question item far to the right. Should ...
yoozer8's user avatar
  • 2,683
2 votes
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Tag score not showing up on profile?

I am not sure if this is the right site to post this question. When I go to my Arqade public profile, the score for my top tags isn't showing up. My top tag right now is bomber-crew and it says that I ...
unicornturtle's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I edit my profile?

I wasn't entirely sure where to ask this, but this was the best place I could think of. I'm trying to edit my profile on stack exchange, but I can't figure out how. I've matured a lot since I created ...
NeoPolitanGames's user avatar
10 votes
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Should we change inappropriate nicknames?

To my knowledge (reading documents) there is no regulation to inapproprate nicknames and reporting and enforcement. Recently on I came across this person with the name "poop shitter" and although it ...
Kingsley Zhong's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What does "Impact" mean?

I have this wierd impact thing where I can flag and that stuff, what does the Impact mean? What does the 66 mean?
TheArquadeHelper's user avatar
7 votes
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My profile picture is glitched!

My profile picture seems white and light-blue instead of dark-green and white! Why? Another picture showing the glitched profile icon: So, what is happening?
John's user avatar
  • 6,538
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Why did my people reached go down?

Yesterday my people reached was something above 520. Why is it at 493? (I am talking about my Arqade profile not Arqade meta)
technikfe's user avatar
  • 604
2 votes
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Username with superscript letter

This user has a very strange nickname and I wonder how those characters can be allowed:
h0ch5tr4355's user avatar
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Why was my flag accepted, but no action was taken?

I flagged This Question for mod attention stating that the users profile picture wan inappropriate. It got accepted. And no action was taken. Can someone tell me why this happened? Or is the mod still ...
TwentyCharMax's user avatar
1 vote
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How to remove tags from my user page?

There is currently tags on my Arqade profile that I have no intelligence in (windows-10, controllers, and technical-issues). Is it possible to remove them from here?
YoshiLikes's user avatar
6 votes
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Some user profile pics aren't appearing

During the past couple of days, some users' profile pictures have stopped appearing. It happens to most but not all profile pics, and doesn't seem to stay with any type of user (moderator, new, etc.). ...
rivermont's user avatar
  • 3,017
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Notches on tags not appearing on 'Top Tags' section of profile

As you can see, the notches/knobs/things on the tags in the 'Top Tags' section of the user profile are not displaying: It does seem to display on the top tag though. As a side note, long tags seem ...
angussidney's user avatar
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Reputation Graphs have been wound backwards!

This picture should say it all. As you can see, selecting the bar (for example, the one on the 6th of August displays I have 245 reputation earned on the day. The only problem is that it actually ...
aytimothy's user avatar
  • 17.8k
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Can the profile 'website link' be made to render Steam/YouTube/Twitch channel names like the Twitter one does?

I was updating my profile and I noticed that we now support links to Twitter, Which render the name of the feed quite nicely on the profile itself: This is great! My question is: could we do this ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 38.3k
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Getting reputation notification too late

This morning I asked question, and forgot a bit about it. However, a couple of hours later, I found a possible answer to it, and answered my own question. To my surprise, I saw that I had two upvotes ...
Mathias711's user avatar
  • 23.2k
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"Top tags" look funny in profile

So I looked at my profile (for probably the first time) and see this: I see at least three things wrong with this: The tag background box seems to have a max width, but the text doesn't care, and ...
Toomai's user avatar
  • 17.9k
4 votes
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How do I see my flags in the new profile view?

I like the swanky new profiles as much as the next guy, but I can't seem to find my flag/helpful flag count anywhere anymore. On the old profile, they were just at the top of the page under all the ...
shanodin's user avatar
  • 10.4k
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Can't track a tag badge in my profile

When I go to the tag badge tracker in my profile, it says that I already have the skyrim gold tag badge, and I am unable to select it to be tracked. However, when I go to the badges section of my ...
galacticninja's user avatar
2 votes
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SockException: Profile page will not load

I made a sock, but when I tried to access it's profile page to edit in the fact it is a sock, it threw an error.
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
7 votes
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2k+ flags... 51 useful?

Is something going wrong here? Maybe 51 of my flags were not useful?
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
29 votes
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Can we replace the GitHub Profile field with Steam ID?

New profiles are here! Yay! There are fields for relevant social links like Twitter and... GitHub? I mean, GitHub makes tons of sense over on the mothership, but here at Arqade, we're about using ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
2 votes
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Visited links are invisible on new profile

Some of these words are links! Can you tell which ones? I can't, because having visited them, their colour is almost identical to regular text.
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
8 votes
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New profile page design devoured my gold badges

I have four gold badges on Arqade and very proud of them. However, I just noticed they are all missing from my new profile page! Can I please get them back? :)
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Partly covered personal info on User Profile

Go to your Arqade profile (Not Arqade meta) and click less info. Then click more info. This is the result. Notice the blank part? The blank part which covered my real name? Sometimes this bug does ...
54D's user avatar
  • 4,882
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People who claim positions of authority should have to substantiate those claims

We recently had a problematic answer that originally claimed to have privileged information from development of the game in question. This answer made basically the same claims as other answers to ...
murgatroid99's user avatar
  • 21.2k
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Missing link on profile to view recently deleted questions

I recently deleted a question that wasn't well-received by the community since it was unclear. However, there is no way for me to see it. My understanding is that there should be a link to my recently ...
Ellesedil's user avatar
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Letter spacing increase?

Can we increase the spacing between letters? I noticed this on my user page. The link looks like is says "dock" but as the alt-text (and question) shows it should read "clock" Not sure if it ...
Batophobia's user avatar
  • 13.4k
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Did something change in the calculation of Helpful Flags?

The count of Helpful Flags on my profile has jumped up by several dozen since this morning, but I haven't flagged anything in the interim. Did something change in how this is calculated? Is something ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
5 votes
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My Hats Are Floating Away!

If you start with a full sized window and then shrink it, this is what happens... It also works in reverse. I haven't tried any other browsers yet; this was achieved using Chrome. Help!
GnomeSlice's user avatar
  • 25.3k
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Tags Disappeared from Profile

I was a stackoverflow user, and found this wonderful gaming site as a result. On SO, my account was an OpenID through my gmail address. When I made an account here, I was dumb and forgot that and ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do I change my user icon on here to my normal avatar I use everywhere?

That green star next to my name is annoying, yet I haven't seen a link where I can upload my own avatar. I see other people with custom images, and I am hoping some-one can give me step-by-step ...
ShoeMaker's user avatar
  • 287
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to send private message on gaming?

I feel like an idiot, but I don't see any way to send a private message to someone, is this not allowed or am I a blind old man? I want to prompt someone to accept my answer since they said it fixed ...
Kurt Koller's user avatar
2 votes
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Background Bullying Me On My Meta Profile [duplicate]

Clearly the background on Meta has never heard of 'personal space'. Can someone deal with this jerk?
GnomeSlice's user avatar
  • 25.3k
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The nickname in comments is not updated

Why are there only 12 Wii Demos? My previous nickname was 0101, I do know it's not just text, because I get alert if some writes @myNickName P.S. I like to change nicknames once in a while and it's ...
IAdapter's user avatar
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Profile issues on Gaming Meta?

I would like to change some profile information, or at least copy it from StackOverflow. There's no option to do this, nor is there an Accounts tab. I changed my profile on Gaming just fine, but the ...
Corey's user avatar
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Weird profile behavior on meta.gaming

I've seen this happen several times since joining the private beta. When I joined, Gaming pulled my profile from either Area 51 or Meta.SO, and thus had the name, "Dr. Gonzo." Both Gaming and meta....
John Rudy's user avatar
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