Questions tagged [bounty]

A bounty is when a user offers a portion of their reputation to be awarded to an answer on a question. They are used to draw in more attention to post. Use this tag for questions you may have about bounties.

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12 votes
1 answer

What to do with an overwritten question with an open bounty?

I'm referring to this question, which previously was asking "How can I execute at a chest with a specific pattern of certain items?" Several edits have occured, also because OP was ...
pinckerman's user avatar
  • 38.2k
7 votes
1 answer

No button to create a fourth bounty on my question?

I have this question: How can I compact my Scrap Mechanic logic down?. I want to add a fourth bounty of 50 rep, but the button is no longer there. The only bounty-related button is saying that it has ...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why did this user not get their points back?

How do I calculate Item level to help me when I shop in Hellfire/Diablo? The bounty simply seems to have disappeared and they did not get awarded the points for their answer. The user answered their ...
Sorean's user avatar
  • 22.5k
-5 votes
1 answer

Can I get a bounty refunded that was auto-awarded to a wrong answer?

I asked the following question: Which of the versions is the latest?, and raised a bounty for it. However, the bounty was awarded automatically, and the answer which got my bounty has misleading ...
Vikas's user avatar
  • 322
1 vote
1 answer

Bounty button missing

I would like to place a bounty on why just ban minecraft modding tech support, but I can't seem to find the button. After some research it seems like it's supposed to be under add a comment, but it ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Bounty for Great Answer - Can't award straight away

I just wanted to award a bounty to someone for a great answer. After 2 years, one of my questions got a great, complete answer and I wanted to give a little more. In Mario Party 4, what are the odds ...
Fredy31's user avatar
  • 40.5k
1 vote
2 answers

How do bounties work with repcaps?

I hit my reputation cap earlier today at 215 rep on the day, then I offered a bounty, which dropped my reputation to +165. Now all upvotes I am receiving are not adding reputation, even though I am ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 27.3k
7 votes
2 answers

Do I have to justify placing a bounty or to proof the value of an answer I'm awarding it to, in any objective way?

In comments made to this answer: I get criticised for placing an bounty on the post while it allready has an accepted answer. After guiding the user to ...
Zaibis's user avatar
  • 3,234
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to see why a bounty was awarded?

After browsing some posts, I noticed that some of them had completed bounties on them, and I wanted to know why a user gave a bounty. But, I was unable to figure why the bounty(s) were awarded. I know ...
The Man's user avatar
  • 14.2k
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to add more reputation into an existing bounty?

I've made a bounty. But I feel like the question that I've offered the bounty to doesn't have a big enough bounty. What's the best way to start the Crash Landing modpack? I mean honestly, who ...
aytimothy's user avatar
  • 16.7k
0 votes
0 answers

Are bounty points refunded if there is no answer? [duplicate]

I recently put a bounty on one of my questions, but instead of losing points when I got an answer, I lost them straight away. Is this a bug or is this meant to happen? Also if it is meant to happen, ...
Oreo's user avatar
  • 1,869
3 votes
1 answer

How to prevent bounties being awarded to bad answers

I have posted a question a while ago, but I got no answers so I decided to put a bounty on it. My question is: How I do I prevent someone gaining the bounty point with a bad / stupid / invalid ...
Oreo's user avatar
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0 votes
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Placing bounties and accepting answers

If I answer a question, then think "Oh what a clever boy am I!" and decide to put a bounty to award the answer, can I? My initial belief would be no, because it's redundant. However, if I place a ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 41.3k
6 votes
2 answers

How long should I wait before bountying an answer as reward?

I sometime stumble upon relatively new users that post really good answers (and I would like to encourage them) or simply really good answers that truly show effort in research and are in my opinion ...
WizLiz's user avatar
  • 16.2k
0 votes
1 answer

What happens to your bounty if no Answers are present on your question? [duplicate]

I've put a bounty on my question and there is no activity in terms of answers, what will happen to my bounty at the end of the period? If it does not go back to me would I be able to request ...
ThunderToes's user avatar
  • 1,135
-3 votes
1 answer

Bounty rep return? [duplicate]

So quite a while ago I opened up a bounty question for 50 rep, but never received an answer. What I never understood was that if I ever got any of that bounty rep back. 5's dwindled in, but I think ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 3,457
3 votes
1 answer

Did I just accidentally force someone to associate their account?

I had a bounty on a question that a relatively new user posted an excellent answer for. After awarding the bounty, I noticed that his rep went up by 200 instead of the bounty amount of 100. After ...
l I's user avatar
  • 82.5k
-8 votes
1 answer

Should featured (bountied) questions be required to give out the bounty?

Should featured (bountied) questions be required to give out the bounty for those who try their hardest in answering a question? I think that the person with the highest ranking score after the ...
Young Guilo's user avatar
  • 8,277
2 votes
3 answers

Setting some requirement for bounty points

I've made a rather controversy question about lore in TES series. So if anyone doesn't give a complete answer that I want, I'm thinking of putting a bounty on this question. The question is: Can I ...
Samir Izmier Chong's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why can I only place a bounty for 100+?

Attempting to put a bounty on one of my older questions too draw some new answers. Noticed it only gives me the option for 100+ rep bounties which I've never had happen to me. Not a big deal really ...
Paralytic's user avatar
  • 8,097
20 votes
14 answers


Nominations have ended! Those of you who signed up for bounties and were matched have been pinged. Go go go! OMG BOUNTY PROCESS 2012 Last year a bunch of us gave away a bunch of rep and that ...
agent86's user avatar
  • 119k
0 votes
1 answer

Can I get reputation on a bounty refunded?

I started a bounty on on a question. If I dont award anyone the bounty I put on the question, will I get that reputation back?
Scribblenautical's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Bounty expired, no answers given, what now?

I have a question Was there a similar chapter to Uncharted 3: ā€œThe Chateauā€ in any of the previous Uncharted games? that I put up a bounty for. Unfortunately I received no answers and now the bounty ...
Jared's user avatar
  • 762
5 votes
2 answers

How to improve the bounty success rate?

I've been giving out a few bounties recently on some tough to answer questions, but they've mostly been dismal failures without even generating an answer. The data on all bounties seems to back this ...
l I's user avatar
  • 82.5k
-2 votes
1 answer

Re-open the Horse vs. Dovahkin "race" question

Some days ago, I posted this question: If I recall correctly, it was ...
Iszi's user avatar
  • 16.9k
19 votes
0 answers

Can I be notified if a question I've answered before offers a bounty?

This is possibly in the realm of MSO, but since it's particularly applicable to this site I'm asking here. We get a lot of answers that go out of date, particularly in oft-updated games such as ...
fredley's user avatar
  • 53.2k
1 vote
1 answer

Why can't I award a bounty immediately?

So, I have the ability to award a bounty because I wish to award a particular answer. So, I do that on the question. This implies I have already "lost" my reputation I decided that one of the ...
McKay's user avatar
  • 14.5k
20 votes
9 answers


When I first saw the HatDash promotion, I thought to myself, that 'Won a Bounty' hat is going to be tough for people to get. Yesterday, while I was contemplating how I could combine HATS and the ...
agent86's user avatar
  • 119k
7 votes
2 answers

Would a Christmas bounty giveaway be appropriate?

I'd like to give out a number of bounties to answers that are underrated, in honor of the Christmas season and the awesome hat awesomeness that is currently going on. So far I've just been picking ...
agent86's user avatar
  • 119k
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to add a bounty to someone else's question?

If I find someone else's question and I'm very curious as to what the answer could be, how can I add a bounty to the question?
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Awarding a bounty to myself

I noticed that I had the button to award a bounty even on my own answer, so I couldn't resist and awarded the bounty to myself, just to see what happens. The result is that the bounty is awarded, but ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to extend a bounty?

The bounty I put on this question What is the Formula for Unit Maintenance in Civilization V? is due to expire in less than 24 hours. There's some good work there, but nothing that yet really ...
bwarner's user avatar
  • 36k
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to remove bounty related badges and reports from the Meta?

An interesting thing I noticed the other day was that when someone was rattling off all the requirements to post a bounty, one of them was "Not on a Stack Exchange 2.0 Meta". Which, in glancing, is ...
Grace Note's user avatar
  • 24.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Start a bounty still available after answer has been accepted.

Fastest way to level up in Modern Warfare 2 / Black Ops this question has been closed but I can still start a bounty. Is this a feature or a bug?
Ritwik Bose's user avatar
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