I've noticed that some questions have cropped up that are answered by the asker immediately. A good example, and the one which led me to make this question is, What are the Benefits of having a Guild?
I'm not sure how I feel about this tactic. I know that the site wants to be up on google and adding these kinds of questions will draw people to the site. However I do think that it defeats the object as information like this, talking specifically about this question, is available in so many other places, especially such as the wiki.
I've noticed lots of questions like this recently, and it's putting me off wanting to contribute to the site. For me personally, I only post questions which I genuinely don't know or can't find out by looking, reading or searching.
With the introduction of hats, I also feel that this pushes this kind of activity, and that's fine, I guess. However with the strict steel fist rule on Arqade compared to a site like StackOverflow it seems to me that this should be addressed. Otherwise the site runs the risk of being run by and for a specific clique of people, which will stifle new users and put people off asking questions on the site.