If a question is deleted, that awarded me some badge, do I lose that medal?
For example, if I got a famous question on a question, but it was closed/deleted, does my badge get revoked?
If a question is deleted, that awarded me some badge, do I lose that medal?
For example, if I got a famous question on a question, but it was closed/deleted, does my badge get revoked?
No, you do not. If you get any badge and then the cause of getting that badge is reversed, you keep the badge but you don't get another the next time you would have gotten the same badge.
For example, if you get a Nice Question badge and then the question drops below 10 votes or is deleted, you keep the badge, but the next time a question of yours gets to 10 votes it doesn't grant you another badge.
The real algorithm is that every time another post of yours hits the criteria for a badge, if you have more posts meeting that criteria than corresponding badges, you get another badge.