I think I might have made a mistake. I have been trying to get the Research Assistant badge and I am selfish for that. I like shiny new badges.
For that I have been adding information to tag wikis that do not have them. In that I add General Information and Tag Specific wikis.
If a tag wiki does not have any information, I copy paste a general summary from Wikipedia. Which is also CC license. I always include a English Wikipedia link.
My edits were being approved so far by users who have the approve privilege.
Today Oak rejected one of my edits. The tag did not have any tag wiki summary. Tag is dragon-age-origins. Here is the review that I can see. The reason was I did not attribute it. I thought a Wikipedia link would suffice. Apparently not though.
I know CC license works by attribution. And I did not give proper attribution. But I did give the Wikipedia link always.
I do not have rollback privileges on tag wikis. Can a moderator review my approved suggested tag wiki edits, if they are copy-paste from Wikipedia or not? Or I can do that and notify someone in chat who has the privilege.
Or if a middle ground can be reached, can someone help with how best to proceed?
Here is my view: I have loved this site. I loved all the answers that I have gotten to my questions. But some questions about some games, when I roll my mouse over the tag on home page, it never answered what I wanted to know. Which is why I have taken such an undertaking. Mainly I wanted to know when a game was released, the genre, the platform, and how to buy it. This is why I am adding this information to tag wikis. Lately I am also adding information whether it was Windows, Consoles and which ones, MacX or Linux.
My apologies to the community. I was only trying to help.