A 'General Reference' question could be defined as (from this Meta Scifi SE discussion):
"... too basic; the answer is indexed in any number of general internet reference sources designed specifically to find that type of information"
or (from Do we need a "General Reference" close reason?):
"...too basic; it can be definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information".
'General Reference' questions are usually (but not always) easily searched/googled questions, and/or already have answers in their respective community wikis or a similar resource.
The top-voted answer in the meta discussion: Is it really acceptable to ask questions that are already easily googled?, seems to suggest that it is acceptable to cast a close vote with the 'Off-Topic' reason, if one believes that a question is 'General Reference'. While the top-voted answer in this meta discussion: Request to reopen/reevaluate my Final Fantasy Question also seems to suggest that it is acceptable to cast a close vote, but with the reason, 'Not Constructive'.
However, the top-voted answers in these meta discussions seem to suggest that one shouldn't cast a close vote on General Reference-type of questions: Do we need a "General Reference" close reason? and What's the policy regarding "easy" questions?
So, is it acceptable to cast a close vote if one thinks that a question is 'General Reference'? (If yes, what existing close vote reason should be chosen?) Or should a downvote be given instead? Or is it neither and 'General Reference' is not a valid reason for both closing and downvoting?
Or is the close vote, a personal vote, and the site doesn't prescribe on one's reasons for a close vote (e.g. if one thinks that 'General Reference' questions are off-topic, or not constructive)?