I reviewed about the top 300 tags on the site under the criteria I submitted for review here:
On the coming murder of "dependent" and "meta" tagging
And the following tags were marked for further review - I do not endorse burninating all of these outright, nor do I feel we should take any action without further review - this is just an overview. Some of these tags might live on, and there's just a big chunk of tagged questions that need re-tagging.
These tags were marked under the guideline of "tags that are applied across multiple games and represent common game mechanics" criteria. For the most part, these are tags with more than 10 questions.
I think some of the questions under these tags are likely to be tagged correctly, however, a spot check of some of these tags showed an overwhelming bias towards using these tags to subdivide many different games worth of questions based on common game mechanics.
I've grouped these generally to avoid just spamming a wall'o'tags, but there's probably some that might belong in some other category or whatever. It's a rough bucketization, nothing more.
Without further ado... gulp:
"Single player" type tags:
campaign single-player new-game-plus offline combat stealth crime crafting vehicles
training experience character-build leveling weapons spells healing alchemy inventory
"Story" tags:
"Money" tags:
"NPC" tags:
"Audio" tags:
"Cheats" tags:
"Achievements" tags:
unlockables collectibles achievements challenges
"Digital distribution" tags:
demo patch digital-distribution drm
"Game recording" tags:
"Multiplayer" tags:
multiplayer spawning profile ranking ladder bots building counters trading teams tournament
custom-maps custom-game voice-chat microphone
(Now that you're desensitized to looking at tags, the tags below this line are on this question, and not on this list.)