This round has closed
Team is doing its best and preparing. Please wait warmly until it is ready.
Welcome to the Eighth round of the Gaming Promotional Grant. Users in good standing can receive one free game on behalf of Gaming Stack Exchange. What's the catch?
Simple - ask questions and post answers to questions about your new game; have fun while helping us create a wonderful database of information on our own site here for the new game. Here's how it works:
Users with at least 500 reputation are eligible to apply. Fill out a form specifying one game of your choice of new or upcoming games for the current big platforms. Up to 20 users will be selected from this pool pseudo-randomly, and will be reimbursed for their purchase of the game by one of these methods:
- Scan and email your game receipt to us; we'll reimburse through PayPal
- Steam gift
- Amazon gift card
(500 reputation worked well last time, so we'll be sticking with it. Note that there have been a couple changes to the workflow from the last time. The most significant change is that the default reimbursement route will be PayPal.)
If you're selected, you'll receive simple instructions via email detailing all the information you'll have to provide to get reimbursed. If you won in the previous round, you are not eligible to win a game in this round.
"Big platforms" means XBox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC. What games are eligible? Any game coming out this week or the next two weeks:
- October 16, 2011: PC, PS3, Xbox, Wii
- October 23, 2011: PC, PS3, Xbox, Wii
- October 30, 2011: PC, PS3, Xbox, Wii
Any game released later than this should be selected in the next round. MetaCritic also has a general list of upcoming games, filterable by your preferred platform: PC, PS3, Xbox, Wii.
Applications have closed
The answers below are a good place to note any games you think will be hot picks. You may convert people to your cause, or perhaps get converted yourself! Just keep an open mind, neh? Once the selection process is closed (this will happen over the course of a couple days), we will close applications and the 20 winners will be posted in an answer that I'll accept.