What happens if I catch Wheatley?
Apart from a typo (fell instead of fall), I'm improving the overall post and I don't see why it rolls back:
- Added yet, as you can carry him later in the game.
- Added that early in the game, as he isn't scripted for that later.
- Added use key, as it is more generic. I have E unbound.
- Added reasoning behind the scripting decision, one of the first dialogs in the game so no spoil.
Anything in this edit is correct, so why was this rollback necessary?
Looking into this again and purely on the question title, I could of course explain in an own answer what really happens if you drag him. But we shouldn't be disallowing correct improvements to other people their posts where the case is to silly to produce an own answer.
The FAQ explicitly states that the site is collaboratively edited like Wikipedia; thus our edits shouldn't be punished back when they are improving the quality and content of our wiki aspect of the site. This doesn't necessarily need the question to be a Community Wiki, for which there are other reasons...
Other people can edit my stuff?!
Like Wikipedia, this site is collaboratively edited, and all edits are tracked. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your questions and answers being edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you.
in the comment above makes up for it (although I used it mainly to get precisely 15 chars :P). Also ― single dash there? Tsk tsk tsk.