We've got a few questions that deal with matters of the real world, such as, air quotes, having a life. They're currently branded under two separate tags.
general-gaming: This is not really different than if we had gaming instead. This tag, in meaning "gaming stuff that isn't about a specific game", is entirely redundant with the lack of specific game tags. Those kinds of questions should be categorized by something that tells you things more important. Like Ubuntu or legal.
Plus, those 3 questions are all about not gaming, anyway, so the tag doesn't apply. ♪
lifestyle: This tag sets a bad precedent, though, because this is kinda opening the doors for "What food should I cook... as a gamer?" type questions. Perhaps it actually gives us something to dwell on, as to dig what elements of these questions make them acceptable on the same lines as health questions.
So, suffice to say, we don't really have a good tag for this scenario. And I have a theoretical train, and by train I mean lavish automobile, to catch, so my mind's not really doing too hot on a good tag. What do you think? How can we properly categorize these questions, and other questions of similar ilk?
! :points to npr on Stack Overflow: