This is regarding this question which is currently titled: MU online - are there accumulated benefits to raising stamina early in the game for high HP?
I have previously changed the title of the question to 'Are there accumulated benefits to raising stamina early in the game for high HP?', removing the '[tag] - ' in the question title and added the game name in the question body but a mod reverted the edit back to its initial revision which is in the '[tag] - [question title]' format.
My edit was in accordance with the SE network-wide Meta FAQ post, Should questions include “tags” in their titles? is completely unnecessary to include tags in your question titles.
and that:
The only time you should use tags in your title is when they are organic to the conversational tone of the title.
For example,
JavaScript, jQuery: When should I use one or the other?
is seen by many users as an attempt to force tags in order to compensate for a lousy title. The title would be much more well-received if rewritten like this:
Can I use jQuery to foo the bar on the baz, or is my only choice to use plain JavaScript?
Keywords here are 'organic' and 'conversational'. The [tag] - [question title] format is awkward, and both non-organic and non-conversational.
And as per multiple Arqade Meta posts:
Best Practices: Titles and Tags (emphasis mine)
I'm not entirely fond of the process of putting the tags at the front of the question title, as a categorizing measure. Firstly, that's what tags are meant to do in the first place, we don't need to section off the front of the title for that purpose. Second, the new feature in which the most popular tag is prepended to the page title also makes it look exceptionally awkward. You get things like "pc - Civilization IV:" before you reach the actual title of the question! In that scenario, I'm fine with the removal.
But it's not forbidden to put the tags in the title. Rather, it's better to do it organically - make it a part of the title, rather than a preface.
When should we edit game names out of question titles? And why? (answer 1) (emphasis mine)
Game names in titles are not necessary, as the name is already in a tag. The general guidelines is to avoid putting tags in the title, unless the tag fits in naturally.
When should we edit game names out of question titles? And why? (answer 2)
We don't want to have all question titles look like "Metal Gear Solid 3: how can I jump?" (why would we have tags to begin with, then?), so this is why we prefer typically to leave the game name out of the question.
Should we include the game name in questions titles? (emphasis mine)
Titles do not have to contain the name of the game, and you shouldn't intentionally edit a question just to add the game name to the title.
This isn't to say that the game name should never be in the title question. But you shouldn't be adding the game name to the title just to add the game name to the title.
Why are my questions having the game name added to the title?
... the general established norm is not to add titles to the name of a question, because tags are already picked up by google searches, used to help filter related questions when asking a new question, and I believe used to populate the related questions tab. So the only real benefit would be if the question goes to HNQ people can see which game it is about without navigating to it. Given those reasons, it is pretty redundant to add the name of the game to the title, and just adds clutter.
I can find no meta posts which suggest that the '[tag] - [question title]' format is the preferred title format by the community. In fact, this is the only SE site I know where question titles are edited to be in the awkward '[tag] - [question title]' format, and by a mod nonetheless.