With the screenshot-of-the-week being popular for about 2 months now, the mod team was wondering if the community would like to enable the photo widget for our site to highlight these screenshots.
For an example of how this looks, check out photo.se, where they have a widget located above the Meta questions box to showcase the winners of their weekly contest, and a link to their hall of fame.
The thought for enabling it, is to reward the winners with displaying their screenshot in a prestigious spot on the site for all to see. It also gives an added benefit, as it has potential to make the contest more popular for those in the community who don't visit meta as often, and would be a potential draw for new members who are browsing the site to join our community to take part in the contest, and hopefully participate on the rest of the site.
What do you think? Should we enable the widget, or not?
If we have enough support for enabling the widget, the mod team will reach out to the CMs to ask about enabling it on our site.
Update: MikeW from photography was able to shed some light on how the tool works, and I have since reached out the the CM's about enabling the widget on our site, as all feedback here has been positive.