Welcome to the first in a (hopefully) ongoing series of...watching me play games? I'm going to be playing a very old series titled UFO.
First, a little bit about the series. It's made up of three games: Aftermath, Aftershock, and Afterlight. They all sort of follow a loose timeline, and play similarly. They're sorta like an upgraded old school X-COM, but before the relatively newer XCOM series. Battles are, "real time", but allow pausing at any moment. All actions take a certain amount of time, so you can pause, plan out your actions, un-pause, and watch the inevitable carnage unfold. In 2003, the graphics were pretty decent, although they don't really hold up well today.
This will be recorded instead of streamed live; I'll get better quality, and due to time constraints, I can't guarantee a regular schedule anyways. That will allow everyone to watch at their convenience, and follow along as they are able. I'm tentatively going to say I'll do an hour a week at the start, and see how I can handle it.
Okay, but everybody plays games
Now, to get to the draw: I'm going to try to make this a semi-interactive series; it is a single player game, but I'll be naming my hapless minions brave soldiers after participants. These participants will have their say in how their characters develop, what their focus is, what weapons they want to use, and so on. Want to be big and tough, but also a coward, so you just chuck grenades at everything? Hopefully you have good aim! Maybe a speedy guy that hates armor and goes around keeping everyone nice and healthy? The sky (or game mechanics) is the limit!
Ooh! How do I get in on this?
To participate: post an answer here. Your username will be the character's callsign. Tell us a little bit about your character, and how they've survived in this alien infested planet.
You can use the following picture to get an idea of the sort of equipment you start with, and how the stats and skills work in the game. Tell us how they'll see themselves growing, what areas to focus on.
This will be played Ironman style; no reloading because someone just dropped a grenade at their feet. Just gotta pick up the (literal?) pieces and soldier on. This does present an opportunity for subsequent participants, though, as now there might be a spot for someone else...
How does my guy get added?
Characters in-game are added on a somewhat random basis, so as they become available, participants will be added to the roster on a first come, first serve basis. You'll have to watch to see how they, "help" the rest of the team.
Sounds great! Let's save the world?
For sure! Hope that shotgun can stop laser beams...
The playlist is available here
For specific episodes:
- Episode 1 - The start of saving the world
- Episode 2 - Meeting new aliens and killing them
- Episode 3 - Let's explore a crashed alien ship!
- Episode 4 - Resistance gets heavier, and we find Area 51
- Episode 5 - Retake Area 51, and deal with crashes of the technical kind
- Episode 6 - Dealing with crashes of the aerial kind and psionic aliens ahoy!