I was having a discussion with Robotnik in the comments to one of my answers, where it seems like the rule addressing tech support questions for modded minecraft is actually only for crash support, or if the game doesn't start in the first place:
The Minecraft Modded crash ruling is deliberately narrow: only Modded Minecraft crashes are off topic, because it was only modded Minecraft crashes where we faced a problem. Modded Minecraft is fine. Got a question about configuring Forge or setting up a Bukkit server? Cool, that's an expertise we have and can answer. Throwing a crash log at us with 200+ mods installed and expecting us to somehow find the offending one that's causing it? Not so much.
- Robotnik
So I suggest we change the wording in the help-center to mirror what the off-topic reason actually means.
The problem is still standing that "tech support" is too undefined, it's subjective wether or not something is considered to be tech support in many cases (there are some examples for ambiguity in the actual answer).
If it's actually supposed to mean "crash support", then it's also too broad, or actually wrong to have it say "technical support".
My suggestion is to change the wording in the help-center to be more precise and less ambiguous and to actually capture the reason for why we have that off-topic reason in the first place.
The answers I'm looking for explain one of these things:
- What we should change the wording to and why that wording is a great choice
- Why/how I'm wrong and why we shouldn't change the wording despite the problems stated above
- Other solutions that I didn't think about
For those who don't feel like clicking/tapping the link, the wording in the help-center says "Technical support for non-vanilla Minecraft".
Note that the link itself also links to a question about crash support and not technical support