This has been mentioned a few times on the feedback threads. But never really addressed. So let's make it its own post. Because I find this to be problematic.
Because I am familiar with the sites, I know the ASK QUESTION option in the top right is going to be a button - it's always in that same position. But anyone who hasn't been on any other Stack Exchange site will not necessarily get this. It looks like it could just be a flying saucer that says ASK QUESTION, since this is a Q&A site after all. It could easily be thought of as a background element meant to oppose the logo and give the right side more flavour. Before the launch, people were concerned, but seeing it in reality kinda solidifies the issue for me.
It just needs to be more... button-like. Or since we're a gaming site, just make it something a bit more "menu choice like". Even the tabs, which are in similar style, they at least highlight when you hover over them. We just need something that makes it clear that you should click on it to ask a question. Because it's currently just too different from any of the normal interactive elements that it is too easily confused with the background.