As per Should we allow tags for a specific class in RPG games?, we consider adding sub-tags for games on a case-by-case basis.
Some of the games we have done this for include Team Fortress 2, Diablo 3 and Starcraft. This is because they feature heroes / classes / characters / races / whatever that differ in style and gameplay from one another. In fact, they differ so much that:
- Someone who is a good tf2-soldier might not be a good tf2-spy and only wants to browse tf2-soldier questions to provide answers
- A Diablo player might want to look at specific questions to improve their diablo-3-monk whilst avoiding diablo-3-barbarian questions
- An expert zerg player might want to browse all Zerg questions whilst avoiding all terran or protoss questions.
Overwatch is no different in that regard, with many of it's heroes already having gameplay & ability-based questions here on Arqade. But are there too many heroes to justify hero-based tags? An alternative raised by Dragonrage is to have sub tags specific to the classes/roles these heroes are broken into. The roles are how Blizzard has defined them, they play a large part in organising team composition, and are how players define their gameplay style or their place on the team.
So, Do we want to have hero or role specific tags for Overwatch?.
If so, here are a few examples of tags that would be created:
Either Hero-based:
or Role-Based
And just so we're clear: all Overwatch questions would still have the overwatch tag. As an example, questions about the hero Mercy would be tagged [ overwatchoverwatch-mercy ] (or [ overwatchoverwatch-support ] in the case of the role-based tags)
At camelCase's request, here is the current question breakdown, updated as of 3rd June 2016. I have also separated the heroes into classes as per the conversation on Dragonrage's answer:
140/140 Total Questions
58/140 Character specific questions (41.4%)
(down 0.5% from last count)
8/140 Offense (5.7%)
- Genjii x 2
- Mcree x 2
- Soldier 76 x 3
- Tracer x 1
16/140 Defense (11.4%)
- Bastion x 1
- Hanzo x 2
- Junkrat x 3
- Mei x 3
- Torbjorn x 6
- Widowmaker x 1
15/140 Tank (10.7%)
- D.Va x 1
- Reinhardt x 8
- Roadhog x 2
- Winston x 1
- Zarya x 3
19/140 Support (13.5%)
- Mercy x 7
- Lucio x 4
- Symmetra x 6
- Zenyatta x 2
Note that numbers may be slightly off as I was counting new questions only as of last count on May 25th 2016