Today, I opened this question:
What is the etymology of the term "Console Wars"?
where I asked where the "Console War" concept was coming from. I was asking if it was first mentioned in a magazine or in a presentation and it was then used as a normal expression, or if it was coming from anything else.
There was some close votes about the question because it was "off-topic", because it was apparently not referring to gaming or at least wasn't something that we are able to ask on Arqade. Well, considering no one would lie for something like that, I deleted my question (it has then be undeleted following this question discussion).
Now I would like to understand : why asking about the etymology of a concept linked to games off-topic ? I mean, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to answer to a question like that. For instance, I don't see what would be wrong in asking "When does the notion of video game appeared in history ?". The question is asking about an information linked to games or the gaming industry.
What I would like to know is why such a question does not have its place here, or if it is an error.