We've run into somewhat of a sticky situation. There are a couple parts to it, so I'll try to lay it out as best I can.
We got a question that was very, very broad:
Could ALT + F4 to close a game corrupt Save data?
As it was, it was well on it's way to being closed. Thankfully, it's been narrowed to reference one specific game. Unfortunately, before that happened, it got an answer. That answer makes some extremely sweeping statements, and is rather problematic at this point in time. Generally, I adhere to the good faith effort rule; a user asked a question, and someone tried to answer it, so it should stick around. Unfortunately, in this case, that answer is dangerously wrong. It's also been accepted, and is very highly upvoted, which adds to the problem.
The answer states that it's absolutely impossible to corrupt a save game by closing a game through Alt+F4. I...find this rather hard to believe. The logic behind the statement makes sense, and from an idealistic standpoint, I even agree with how it should work. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world, and I don't see how it can be true. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of PC games available, from pre-DOS games, to include Linux and other OS's, all the way up to current-gen. Even if we narrow the statement to only include Windows games where Alt+F4 closes the window, I still can't trust the statement. Using the same programmer expertise the answerer did, I come to the opposite conclusion; I cannot believe, with all the amount of code of varying skills, libraries, and tools, that every single game on Windows will never corrupt a save when closing via Alt+F4.
The only source we have for this statement seems to be, "Trust me, I'm a programmer." When pressed for proof, the user refuses to provide any. My very first comment on the answer sums it up fairly well, I feel:
I'm also a programmer, and am very familiar with how simple it is to screw things up. And the vast number of libraries you can code in that handle everything their own way. There is absolutely no guarantee that this is how any game at all handles saving.
So what do we do? Technically, the answer no longer answers the question, post-edit. In an attempt to preserve the answer, I requested the user narrow it to the specific game mentioned. That doesn't seem to be happening.
I personally want the answer deleted, due to the potential harm it can cause by encouraging such a bad practice. But I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this, both for this specific case, and generally on how to handle this in the future. Mods generally aren't supposed to review answers based on correctness, but I'm not exactly sure what other recourse we have here. Allowing the long tail to work on this answer seems to be moving it in the other direction.