The terminology here can be a little confusing, as Xbox One and PS4 are "consoles", but only PC players have access to the "console". For the rest of this question, "console" by itself refers to the interface PC users have access to, and "gaming console" refers to an Xbox or PS.
I've seen some answers for Fallout-4 questions that offer a solution to a problem that requires using the console, with no alternative solution for gaming console players, even if one exists. I am leaning toward just downvoting all of these, unless the asker specifically says they are playing on PC. These answers are useless for gaming console players, but are often accepted by the asker, making it difficult for the gaming console players to get a useful answer. I imagine this problem exists in previous Bethesda games as well, but I didn't use this particular site much before Fallout 4 came out.
Many would also consider using the console to be cheating for most purposes. When a solution that doesn't involve cheating exists, then only offering one that does is clearly inferior, right?
How do we feel about this situation, and would downvotes be justified?
'ing through objects if you get stuck, even if that solution won't work for the OP playing console (so long as another alternative is presented for PS4/Xbox players).