Okay. Let's take a look at your current activities.
Your first answer:
Yes u can. All u have to do is tap on his name and tap promote to leader, if your talking about Clash of Clans. If you're talking about something else then I don't know.
First off, spelling. We like spelling and proper grammar here. Second of all, this had absolutely nothing to do with the game being asked about, which you acknowledged in your comment. In your rush to answer, you completely ignored what game it was for.
Your second answer:
Well my dear sir/madam, It does have the same jump as the sandstorm in a bottle. As it says on the wiki "The Sandstorm in a Balloon combines the effects of the Shiny Red balloon and the Sandstorm in a Bottle." so yes it does have the same jump.
Again, spelling and grammar. This one isn't as bad, but it could do with a touchup. But then, you haven't added anything new that hasn't already been said. We generally delete those types of answers.
Your third answer:
There's no real fast way to farm animals, but when u find 1 or 2 u might want to make a pen for them out of fence and lure them in. Pigs, and cows can be lured by wheat. Chickens are lured by grass seeds. Then use what u used to lure them to breed them and essentially, u have infinite food. Hope this helped.
Spelling. We love spelling. All day, every day. We worship the spelling and grammar gods. Beyond that, though, you're barely answering the question; it was asking how to quickly get EXP. There's a tiny blurb asking about farming animals, which is why this answer has survived, but really, you're not doing much.
So overall, in your rush to be helpful...you're really not. You've got one answer that might actually survive, but that's about it. When you're 1 for 3 (and that just barely), the system's got a track record, and it's betting you're not going to be posting valuable content.
So. Now that we've gone over your answers, what can you do to improve?
- Spelling. We have an absolutely unholy (or unhealthy) obsession with it, and it's twin, grammar. They are our friends, and for Arqade, they should be yours, too. Run through your posts, and clean them up. Put in some effort.
- Pay attention to what you're answering. An answer for a completely unrelated game is useless. Repeating what's already been said, without adding anything new is also not helpful.
- Attitude. This one's a running theme for you. You're not really taking responsibility for your content; you'd rather get mad at those who are "hating" on your posts. While a perfectly understandable reaction, it's also entirely counter-productive. Your posts are yours. You own them. You want to participate here, you have to live up to our standards. You don't get a pass; you get held to the same standards as the rest of us.
Really, all this boils down to is effort. You want to participate? Great! You have the informed badge, so you know what we're about. Hopefully you've read the rest of the content that's put in front of you. The rest of it is just putting in the time. Rushed answers won't help you. Take your time, run it through a spellchecker or two. Make sure it's right. Definitely make sure it's for the right game.