No, these are blatantly on-topic. I know people tend to be frustrated with them and the problems associated with them, but they are not off-topic. They fit right into our wheelhouse.
Examination of Why
Why don't people like them? Well, various reasons, but the primary gripes I've noted are the complete lack in quality questions, a large quantity, and a high rate of user abandonment of said questions.
Before we get to that, let's talk about your first point there: "They are a bad fit for the Q&A format." Why are they a bad fit? They aren't subjective. There is a verifiable answer. It's a issue other users might hit. It's about a problem with a game. It checks most every box for what types of questions we allow. But we have to ask for clarification?? We have to do that with a lot of questions. Think about a question for a game "I'm stuck in X, where do I go next?". Comments are there to clarify the question and ask things like "Well have you already done Y?" That doesn't make the questions a bad fit, just not specific enough to be able to solve.
And we already have a close reason for that. If it is so vague that we can't answer it, then we can, and do, close it as unclear. We already do that. Being an unclear question does not make them off-topic. It makes it unclear.
Given the rate that we close these as unclear, do we really think these new users are being discouraged by other users' questions being closed? Do you think this will stop, or even slow, the flow of new users who abandon the question? Personally, I don't. I think making these off topic doesn't even the solve the problem you want it to solve.
Onto The Who
You mentioned being one of the top users in the minecraft tag. Which is great! But you also mentioned that there weren't very many and it was getting tiring. Boo :(
Now let's shift the question. If we had an army of gamers, or even a single person, who loved minecraft and knew enough about mods to be able to break these questions down and answer more of them, at a higher rate, would they suddenly be on-topic? Is on-topic really the problem?
Root Problem
Personally, I see the root problem as two issues. At least, these are the two I seemed to extract from your post.
- These are attracting a lot of low quality questions from users who are likely to abandon their question, especially if it is closed
- There is not enough people answering these questions, or with enough knowledge on the subject to follow up with specific detailed clarifying questions, to handle the immense amount of these we are getting
Fix it Felix
These are tough problems, but we have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water here.
More Tools
Personally, I feel for the first one, the best thing we can do is address the problem before it starts. It's great we have a question about how to write a good Minecraft crash question, but clearly that hasn't help as much as we'd like. It may be time to request bigger guns. We are a community, but we work on a system, and I think we should look for help in that direction.
We should think about how we can use our existing tool set to improve the user experience when asking these questions. I know someone suggested it (though I'm not sure if it was implemented), but possibly if the title contains Crash and is either tagged with minecraft or includes it the title, links to that how to ask question, that would be great. But there may be other methods for us to use. Maybe adding a link to the unclear close reason. Or something else.
But let's face it, even if we did that, there's probably not going to be enough of an improvement. So let's talk to SE about the problem. Firstly, because I'm sure we're not the only site that has this problem (SO has got to be the king of these). But also, because they will have more power to create something to help users.
Maybe it's a minecraft crash question page where it is basically a tutorial through what we need to solve the problem? Maybe it's hinting or UI that guides the user? Maybe it's Clippy? Who knows. But the point is, we aren't alone here. This sort of thing is why the SE system was created. To solve this exact problem. Clearly, the system seems to be falling short in this case, so let's see if we can't get help in better addressing it. Whether it be tools for us or tools for new users.
More Users
Users are a tricky catch-22. We need questions for experts to answer to have them want to hang around. But we need experts to attract new users. Clearly, in this case, we're not struggling with the latter, but the former is falling down a bit. So what can we do?
I don't have some mystical answer for this. How can we attract more answers to these types of questions? Have a bounty giveaway? Post it on the right forums? Try and reach out to mod developers? I don't know. But we should probably find a way to encourage answers to these, instead of close-delete-ignore every one we ever get. Whether those of us who don't know how to answer learn, or we attract new users who can, we clearly need more people.
Sometimes A Close Is A Close
No matter how good we do at the above, sometimes users aren't going to come back. Or even if they do, they will be unhelpful. Sometimes a close is a close for good. A permanent thing that isn't going to change. We can't help every user, especially if they don't seem to want to help us in doing so.
If it doesn't get fixed, then there is nothing we can do. If it is still unclear, and the user is not helping, there is nothing we can do. Leave it closed, delete it if it becomes an issue or needs it, and move on to the next question. Not every question is going to, or needs to, survive closure.
If you made it this far, congratulations. Here's a picture of a cat. Now talk amongst yourselves about good ways to actually address the real problem.