There has been some discussion around the idea of playing some boardgames together, so let's try some!
We'll probably use Tabletop Simulator to play, so if you want to participate, make sure to get a copy of that. TTS will run on pretty much anything and while it is available though Humble and other retailers, I'd strongly suggest getting Steam copy as that would allow us to use content from the game's Steam Workshop page.
Games we'll be playing: Star Fluxx, Forbidden Island, and Superfight (sans the R deck)
Time and Date: April 10, 8-10:00pm EST (convert)
Players: TBD
Since most of the games picked have a generous player count, we'll likely have some spots for people to jump in and out of games during the evening.
Reserved spots:
- RedRiderX
- TheAce
- Unionhawk
- You???
If you'd like your spot reserved, let me know in chat.