Would it be on-topic to ask if [a specific game] "invented" [a specific feature], i.e. if it really was the first (published) game to introduce such a feature?
Expectable answers would be:
- Yes ([a credible source] says so, too).
- No, [a specific older game] had this feature, too. (And it was the first one ….)
The question How do we feel towards specific questions about the history of a certain game mechanic? is related, but not exactly the same, as the thematized example questions seems to ask "openly" (instead of putting a specific game up for discussion) for the first game to introduce it, while I’d like to ask for confirmation (or disproof) of my specific assumption. Not a huge difference, but it might be important:
StrixVaria explains in the (currently most upvoted) answer:
I think the main issue with these questions is that it's not a real-world problem that you face, requiring a solution.
I can’t tell if this was the case for the thematized question (it got deleted in the meantime), but, at least in my case, there is a "real-word problem":
When reviewing (or writing) articles for video gaming magazines, such claims ("… was the first game to introduce …") might come up. The author probably has some source claiming this to be the case, but, oh, how often is it wrong? Often enough there are (likely not so well-known) games that had it before, as magazine readers might write to the editor.
In a sense, such questions would be similar to prior-art-request questions at Ask Patents SE, or the first-appearance questions at Movies & TV SE.