Edit: Just read through the chat conversation between @LessPop_MoreFizz and @Mark Trapp and it seems I was a little unclear. When I bring up the promotion in conjunction with the MOP 25-man beta raids, I meant a question/answer contest about MOP in general. That is, we wouldn't limit the contest to questions about 25-man beta raiding, we'd just hold the contest at the same time as the 25-man beta raids are going on, and work with the guild we're sponsoring (Midwinter) to advertise and drive interest to the promotion.
I think it would be valuable to do this while we have the opportunity to work with Midwinter. My question was whether that would make sense for the site, or if we should wait until the actual release date and forgo the opportunity to capitalize on traffic from Midwinter's streams.
Edit 2: After discussing with a few of you and reading the answers below, I've decided to go ahead and give this a try. Midwinter is getting a lot of viewers on their streams right now, and I'd love to try to get some of those people to check out Arqade. I'm aware of some of the reservations and they are duly noted. If this doesn't work out well we will definitely take that into consideration when thinking about betas in the future. Also, the contest we hold during the MOP beta raids will be pretty small, so it won't preclude us from doing something bigger on the actual release date, if that seems like something we should do.
I appreciate all the feedback!
This site has seen a lot of promotions in the last couple of months. Some, like Diablo 3, have been hugely engaging, involving site takeovers and appealing to a large sector of our community. Others, such as the League of Legends contest that ended today, appeal to a smaller sector of the community and don't capture everyone's attention.
What I'm wondering is how you feel about the frequency of these promotions. Clearly we want to capitalize on important events, game releases, etc, but I don't want to overwhelm or divide the community's attention too much.
The reason I ask is because Mists of Pandaria beta raiding has begun, and with the release date being set for September 25th, 25 man beta raiding will probably start soon. The League of Legends contest just ended today, and we're working on putting a Tribes: Ascend play night and SMITE beta giveaway together.
With all these things, would a promotion for the Mists of Pandaria 25-man beta raiding be too much? Would you rather wait until the official release in September to have a contest?
Please share your thoughts below. Keep in mind when you're answering that the goal of these promotions is capitalize on awesome events and game releases in order to get even more great Q&A and new users on our site. We don't want to run too many contests and have people feel overburdened/not know which one to participate in. So, while you may want as much free stuff as possible ;-) don't let that be what dictates your feedback here (I know that won't be the case for most people, just had to point it out).
Thanks in advance!