Like this one?
Or should them be closed?
This question was deemed of topic in the definition phase, and it's very similar, so I voted to close
Like this one?
Or should them be closed?
This question was deemed of topic in the definition phase, and it's very similar, so I voted to close
My theory on this is simple:
On StackOverflow, the early days allowed a certain amount of meta, poll and subjectivity in questions. As a result, in later months, after the system sorted itself out a bit better, newer users would point to those questions and then ask, "why was mine closed if programming jokes is still open?"
I would say the smart answer, if you don't want to be cleaning these up long-haul, is to nip them in the bud early, close them down, and get the rules straightened out clearly and succinctly.
No. They are a waste of time and don't relay anything useful.
I don't like this type of question. I would prefer something similar to:
Can you list me some pro/cons of game X, game Y and game Z because I cannot decide which to buy.
No. They should be closed, they only relay the subjective opinion of people. Especially the one you linked.
Yes if the question allow people to respond between a few choices and give pro/cons of their choice. like the one above or like
What are the advantages of each class to level as fast as possible a character in WoW ?
I think every site needs some (but few!) "rule breaking" questions, just to state we are not bureaucrats. And one mere distraction every now and then seems ok. I took a look at the programmers cartoon e.g., and I wasn't disturbed by it but I know I wouldn't try asking something even vaguely similar.
It's just a variation of the subjective question so I'm inclined to say no. I like your answers though :)
We won't be able to avoid these questions at the beginning, just like the "must have" on Super User.
I agree that we should keep them to a minimum, though. At least when all of them will be asked, we'll have a base to close as duplicate of.
Yes. Some people just cannot make decisions unless they know that at least 51% of people agree with them.
It just occurred to me that this site is quite different from the original trilogy - it's about gaming. Gaming should be fun. And fun involves checking new games, that others already know and can recommend (or not).
Therefore on a gaming site, general questions about "which [flash, psx, ...] game is worth spending time/money for?", where the worthiness is indicated by upvotes, seems perfectly sensible to me.